Sponsor Nova Scotia Mass Choir

A non-profit choir, Nova Scotia Mass Choir is self funded, with all revenue directed to the running of the choir.  We would very much appreciate the sponsorship of any company willing to provide us with financial support, or even just to help fund a particular expense.

For full details please contact our Treasurer, Kandi Howe: 902 225-9751

Browse our existing sponsors

Support Us

Here are some opportunities to support The Nova Scotia Mass Choir:

  • Write a ‘cheque’ payable to Nova Scotia Mass Choir & send to
    The Nova Scotia Mass Choir
    PO Box 338, Station Central
    Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2P6

    Tax receipts are provided upon request.

  • Make an online donation using CanadaHelps.org

Copyright © 2025 Nova Scotia Mass Choir